January 2010

Vodafone ITA – Call Forwarding

If your phone (example iPhone) doesn’t have complete call forwarding menu, you can use line code, then, to activate and deactivate Call Forwarding, follow this instructions:

Call Forward Immediate – Send all calls to another number instantly.
enable: **21* (prefix + number) # call
disable: ## 21 # call
verify: * # 21 # call

Call Forward No Reply – Send calls that go unanswered.
enable: **61* (prefix + number) # call
disable: ## 61 # call
verify: * # 61 # call

Call Forward Not Reachable conditions – Send calls elsewhere if your phone is off or not in the service area.
enable: **62* (prefix + number) # call
disable: ## 62 # call
verify: * # 62 # call

Call Forward Busy – Send calls that reach a busy signal to another number.
enable: **67* (prefix + number) # call
disable: ## 67 # call
verify: * # 67 # call

To forward call to the operator Voice Mail use: international prefix + your three digit prefix + 20

Vodafone ITA – Call Forwarding Read More »

Securing “tmp” without repartition

1. First you should secure /tmp:

Make a 1GB file for /tmp parition and an ext3 filesystem for tmp:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/tmpFS bs=1024 count=1000000
# /sbin/mkfs.ext3 /dev/tmpFS

Create a backup copy of your current /tmp drive:

# cp -Rpf /tmp /tmpbackup

Mount our new tmp parition and change permissions:

# mount -o loop,noexec,nosuid,rw /dev/tmpFS /tmp
# chmod 1777 /tmp

Copy the old data:
cp -Rpf /tmpbackup/* /tmp/

If you run the mount command and you should get something like this:
/dev/tmpMnt on /tmp type ext3 (rw,noexec,nosuid,loop=/dev/loop0)

Edit /etc/fstab and add this:

/dev/tmpMnt /tmp ext3 loop,nosuid,noexec,rw 0 0

Test your fstab entry:

# mount -o remount /tmp

You can test it runnig a script on /tmp partition, if you get “permission denied” it is fine :)

2. Secure /var/tmp:

It should be done because some applications use /var/tmp as the temporary folder, and anything that’s accessible by all, needs to be secured.

Rename it and create a symbolic link to /tmp:

# mv /var/tmp /var/tmp1
# ln -s /tmp /var/tmp

Copy the old data back:

# cp /var/tmpold/* /tmp/

Note: you should restart and services that uses /tmp partition

Securing “tmp” without repartition Read More »

Debian NetInstall – Sparc

Per prima cosa è necessario avere un host linux nel mio caso Debian, e poi ovviamente una Sparc :)

Sull’host linux è necessario avere un server rarp e tftp quindi installiamo in questo modo:

vm01:~# apt-get install rarpd tftpd-hpa

Configuriamo rarpd, editando il seguente file /etc/ethers inserendo una riga con mac address della sparc (si può vedere appena accesa da OpenBoot):

XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 192.168.xx.xx

Riavviamo per applicare le modifiche:

vm01:~# /etc/init.d/rarpd restart

OpenBoot all’avvio una volta ricevuto l’ip cercherà l’immagine nel tftp on notazione decimale, ammettendo che l’ip sia effettuiamo la conversione in questo modo:

vm01:~# printf "%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X\n" 192 168 101 9

Scarichiamo quindi l’immagine di netinstall di debian, e creiamo un link simbolico con la notazione decimale:

vm01:~# cd /var/lib/tftpboot
vm01:~# wget ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/main/installer-sparc/current/images/netboot/boot.img
vm01:~# ln -s boot.img C0A86509

Successivamente da Sparc all’avvio, premere Stop-A o Break per mostrare il prompt di OpenBoot (“ok “) e digitare

boot net

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